1031 Exchange from Multi-Family to Multi-Tenant Retail

Client Profile:

California-based investor who had sold a Los Angeles apartment building and sought less management intensive ownership.


Assemble a high-quality, low-risk, geographically diverse portfolio of triple net properties with laddered lease expiration dates.


  • Century Partners sourced three (3) trophy-quality properties including (a) ATI + Blaze Pizza in Fishers, IN, (b) Cafe Rio & T-Mobile in Castle Rock, CO, and (c) Potbelly, ATI, & Noodles Co in St. Charle’s, IL. The properties were all sourced on an off-market basis through Century Partners’ national relationships.

More Case Studies

1031 Exchange from Vacant Industrial to Cash-Flowing Single-Tenant Retail


  • Following sale of the under-performing industrial property.
  • Identified newly constructed, 100% leased replacement property.
  • Markets procured long-term, fixed-rate financing.

1031 Exchange from Los Angeles Apartments | Industrial to Investment-Grade Credit Net Lease


  • Sourced a single-tenant Autozone in affluent Newbury Park, CA on an off-market basis and successfully restructured a long-term lease extension with the tenant prior to closing.
  • Sourced a single-tenant Del Taco in Allen Park, Michigan, and closed on the transaction prior to the tenant opening for business.
  • Procured long-term fixed-rate, non-recourse debt from life insurance companies for both transactions.